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Thursday, June 22, 2006

More Nice News from the World of Peaceful Islam

Those peaceful Muslims* are at it again, fucking up the entire world for the rest of us.

Now they are destroying children - in Senegal.

Will nothing be done to counter this kind of garbage? Nothing?

U.N.: Koranic schools in Senegal fuel child trafficking

DAKAR, Senegal (Reuters) -- In a dirty white T-shirt hanging down to his knees, 4-year-old Harouna Balde begs for coins in bare feet among the traffic on the polluted streets of Dakar.

Holding a rusty begging tin that is the trademark of the "talibes" -- students at Senegal's Koranic schools -- Balde says he must take back money or face a beating from his religious teacher, or marabout.

"I must bring back 500 francs ($0.90) every day to my master or face punishment," says the tiny boy. He travels from his squalid daara, or religious school, in the distant suburb of Thiaroye to beg all day in the city center.

Balde is one of an estimated 100,000 children begging on the streets of Senegal, according to U.N. officials -- most of them sent out by their religious teachers.

The begging is a modern corruption of a Senegalese tradition, which allowed poor rural families to provide their children with a basic education and sometimes send them to towns where they might have greater opportunities.

Now, the booming industry has become so successful that children are smuggled from neighboring Mali, Gambia or Mauritania to beg in Dakar, U.N. child agency UNICEF said. Balde was separated from his parents in Guinea Bissau.

"The problem is mushrooming," said Jean-Claude Legrand, West and Central Africa child protection officer with UNICEF, in an interview ahead of Friday's Day of the African Child.

Now children are being beaten if they do not fund radical Islam.

Maybe the rest of the human race can do something to stop this. But as each day passes and we as a part of the human race allow this to continue, we will be slowly consumed by it - and we will have a world ruled by radical Islam and shari'a law.

And then the human race will be doomed. And it will be our own fault because we could have stopped it when we had a chance.

*Yeah, right.

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