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Monday, June 12, 2006

A Missive from John Kerry, Chief of the "We Want America to Lose the War on Terror" Crowd

John Kerry (DuMass) has sent a kind and gentle letter, outlining his ridiculous plan to try to get American forces out of Iraq immediately - in short, to say "We won!" and then run with our tails between our legs. Kerry has always been a proponent for surrender, but for some reason, despite being defeated for the presidency on just such a platform, he believes it was such a winner in 2004 that it is time to dust it off and run on it again in 2006.

Well, DuMass Johnny sent us his thoughts. Although there is no link, we wanted to share it with all of you who do not have access to the rantings of this psychotic loon who almost became the leader of the free world.

Dear ______,

No American leader can remain silent on Iraq. [Well, we can only hope you at least try! - Ed.]

The outcome of what is now a civil war in Iraq cannot be determined by American military force. It has to be solved by Iraqis brought together to hammer out their differences. Period. It is time for Iraqis to stand up for Iraq.

Our soldiers are fighting and dying in the third war in Iraq -- not the war for mythical weapons of mass destruction or the war President Bush said had to be fought against armies of foreign jihadists, but an escalating civil war between Sunni and Shia.

[Wait...third war? We've fought three wars in Iraq? Since when? - Ed.]

Meanwhile, dissent and debate are being stifled here at home. It's time to act -- and this week, perhaps as early as tomorrow, every U.S. Senator will have that chance.

[Hold on! Debate is being stifled? Dissent is being stifled? You have been told to shut up? You've been arrested? Can you show us one person who has? Just one? - Ed.]

In the next 24 hours, it is likely that the Senate will vote on my amendment which calls for the withdrawal of American combat troops from Iraq by the end of this year. For months, you and I have been pressing for this step. We've made it clear that we needed to set deadlines in Iraq -- and with the formation of an Iraqi unity government and the killing of Al-Zarqawi, this is a moment of truth in Iraq.

[And the vote will be AGAINST you, DuMass. Shove that up your nostril and smoke it. - Ed.]

Now a critical vote is at hand. Our brave soldiers have done their work. It's time to put the future of Iraq in the hands of the Iraqi people.

[`Brave soldiers' my ASS. These are the same "brave soldiers" that your party accuses of war crimes and compares to Nazis. Yeah, right. - Ed.]

I don't know how many Senators will stand with me on this vote. [Not many. Wanna bet about 40? - Ed.]

But, I do know this: pushing the Iraqi government to coordinate with us on withdrawal of U.S. combat troops and pressing for the convening of a Dayton-like summit to reach a comprehensive political agreement for Iraq is the right thing to do. And we can't stop working for that outcome until we make it a reality.

Every Senator that chooses to stand with us will add momentum to our call for an end to the misguided and self-defeating policies of the Bush administration.

Changing America's course in Iraq is one of the toughest political challenges you and I have ever taken on. But, we won't relent until we get the job done -- and we have to make the most of every opportunity to make ourselves heard.

[The "job" to get done is to win, not to surrender, asshole. It appears you want to complete the latter job, not the former. - Ed.]

I will be making myself heard on the floor of the United States Senate -- loudly and clearly. You can make our call for a dramatic change in direction even louder and clearer. Please don't hesitate before acting.


John Kerry

Well, there it is: one more letter of "let's surrender and hope the terrorists won't notice that we are chickenshit cowards" from the American Left.

The stench of failure and hatred of America is so sickening from losers like Kerry.

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