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Monday, June 26, 2006

Little Johnny Downwards' 2004 Campaign Fined for Campaign Donation Violations; MSM Takes a Pass on Story

2 of Little Johnny Downwards' campaign contributors from his 2004 "I am a Moron" campaign for President have been fined by the FEC for violating the law.

Nancy Pelosi (D-Nutjob) had no comment, except to say that Republicans have a "culture of corruption" in Washington.

Edwards, Attorney Fined For Illegal Contributions

The Federal Election Commission says Arkansas fundraisers for John Edwards' 2004 presidential campaign broke campaign finance laws, and a settlement has now been reached in the case.

Tab Turner and his North Little Rock firm Turner & Associates will pay $50,000 in the settlement, and the Edwards campaign will pay $9,500.

The case relates to two fundraisers held in Arkansas in January 2003. The FEC said Thursday that Turner and his firm violated federal law when they made contributions with corporate money in others' names, used corporate resources to funnel contributions to Edwards' campaign and made banned corporate in-kind contributions.

The law firm says it doesn't agree with all the conclusions reached by the FEC, but says it's pleased to have worked out a resolution.

Edwards lost his campaign for the Democratic nomination to John Kerry, and later was Kerry's running mate in his unsuccessful 2004 race against George W. Bush.

Little Johnny is back on the campaign trail hoping to somehow get more dimwits Downies to vote for him next time. Maybe he can pay them off.

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