Joobo stands for reason, morality, and honesty...and against leftist perversion and dishonesty. Join us as we expose the left for its hatred of everything that is good and its support of everything that is evil.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's Time for..."You Make Up the Caption!"

Well, dear listeners, it is time for another episode of that most popular of shows: "You Make Up the Caption!"

Today, we have a marvelous little photo of two deeply, deeply disturbed women: "Piece of Shit Mom" Cindy Sheehan and chief Hollywood Terrorist Sympathizer Susan Sarandon, cavorting during a rally of 10-20 fellow psychos at a "We Hate Fucking America!" rally held somewhere where no one who is not a loonytune Marxist could care less about.

Here's the photo - and our captions...can you come up with one of your own? If so, send it to us!

And the captions:

1. "Today, actress Susan Sarandon was driven backwards by a massive shot of halitotis from fellow anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan."

2. "Susan Sarandon, left, wipes away tears as Cindy Sheehan, right, tells about having FBI agents rip off her dildo during a protest in 2005."

3. "Cindy Sheehan, right, explains that America is just a pure lump of shit as actress Susan Sarandon, left, wells up at the wonderful words of her friend."

4. "Actress Susan Sarandon, left, exhibits tears as she breathes in a fart from her fellow protestor Cindy Sheehan at a sparsely attended anti-war rally yesterday."

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