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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Downies Start to Question Hillary for President in 2008

We have noted for some time that liberals are questioning having Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate in 2008.

Their beef? She is not liberal enough for the party because of her stand on Iraq. Now, some Downies are saying that she is too liberal for the rest of the nation.

Too liberal, not liberal enough. What to do?

Democrats wavering on Hillary for president in 2008

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Some Democrats are having second thoughts about Hillary Clinton as their 2008 presidential candidate, wracked by doubts about her cross-party appeal, and disappointed by her position on US troops in Iraq.

Those reservations were given expression last week at a forum in Washington of liberal Democrats, where the New York senator was roundly booed when she expressed her opposition to setting a date for withdrawing US troops from Iraq.


While liberals find her far too right-leaning on the hot-button issue of Iraq, conservatives have stamped Clinton as a liberal who would favor big government "tax and spend" politics and lenient social policies.

Although still the hands-down favorite for her party's nomination, Clinton's stance in the debate leaves her newly vulnerable, pundits said.

"Maybe she's a bit overconfident about the nomination. She's running a general election strategy ... she wants to stay moderate," said Sabato said.

"I think she's going to have a much harder time getting the nomination than she thinks."

He predicted one challenge will be locking up the votes of centrist Democrats, with whom he said she has an even bigger problem than with left.

"There's a broader group who would never boo her ... They all seem to say, 'Oh, I love Hillary, I think she's terrific. But of course, we can't nominate her because she can't win the general election'," said Sabato.

Yeah, this is a problem, as seen by this new poll which the MSM conveniently ignored.

Poll: Clinton gets high 'no' vote for 2008

With the presidential election more than two years away, a CNN poll released Monday suggests that nearly half of Americans would "definitely not vote for" Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose name repeatedly tops lists of potential 2008 Democratic candidates.

Respondents were asked whether they would "definitely vote for," "consider voting for," or "definitely not vote for" three Democrats and three Republicans who might run for president in 2008.

Regarding potential Democratic candidates, 47 percent of respondents said they would "definitely not vote for" both Clinton, the junior senator from New York who is running for re-election this year, and Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the party's candidate in 2004.

Forty-eight percent said the same of former Vice President Al Gore, who has repeatedly denied he intends to run again for president.

Eek! So, this means that Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, AND Al Gore cannot win in 2008.

This leaves Howdy Doody as the only Downie you can win in 2008.

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