Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Harry Reid, the Really in the Minority Leader of the Downtrodden Party in the US Senate, was once allegedly a moderate in his home state of Nevada - which, as a western state trending more and more Republican, will refuse to send liberals to Washington.
But Harry has moved further and further left since being sent to DC, and further left since winning his second term in 2004.
How do we know? Because a journalist in Reid's home state is saying so - and linking Minority Harry to Nancy Pelosi, the San Fran nutjob who could become Speaker if the Downies somehow win the House in November.
SHERMAN FREDERICK: When Harry met Nancy
In 50-plus months, Nevada voters will march to the polls and replace Sen. Harry Reid, thus ending one of the longer, more powerful political runs in state history.
When it happens, political wiseguys will remember that Sen. Reid's undoing came early in his last term when he became a big shot in the Democratic Party and quickly morphed into someone Nevada voters did not recognize -- his political girlfriend in the House, uber-liberal Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California.
Now, I know that some will take issue with this scenario. They will suggest that because the Review-Journal has been a periodic (some will say constant, but they would be wrong) critic of Nevada's senior senator over the years, I, as publisher of that "conservative rag," am therefore unable to clearly see the future.
In other words, my prediction of Harry's political demise is more hope than insight.
For those who want to see it that way, be my guest. But before putting your head back in the sand, let me first point out that the Review-Journal has endorsed Sen. Reid every time he has run for the U.S. Senate. And second, I find Harry, as an individual, magnetic -- by that I mean I am very attracted to one side of him and very repulsed by the other.
This man who knows politics in his state is warning Reid now. Our bet is that Dimwit Harry doesn't want to hear that message. But he will hear it in 2010 - when the voters of Nevada do to him what the voters of South Dakota did to Tom Daschle in 2004.