Monday, May 15, 2006
"General" Wesley Clark, the former commander of NATO who nearly got the US into a nuclear war with Russia, ran for President in 2004 but was less successful than the rest of the dim bulbs running in the Downie primaries that year.
Clark is still shooting his mouth off, making ridiculous statements - now he says that we should "talk" to Iran to avoid a military clash.
Clark: Make words, not war in Iran
NASHUA – Former Democratic Presidential hopeful Wesley Clark says President Bush should be pushing for words, not war, with Iran.
Clark told a firefighters' convention yesterday that it looks like the President is lurching toward a conflict with Iran over the country's nuclear plans. He said he favors direct talks instead.
"Right now we're being led down a path to nowhere," Clark told the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire, who had gathered for the final day of their biennial convention. The group also received visits earlier in the week from Sen. John Kerry and Sen. Joseph Biden.
Clark called for a special prosecutor who would be empowered to go beyond the Justice Department in following the ramifications of the lobbying scandals that have engulfed the capitol.
Clark emphasized the importance of improving U.S. foreign relations, including dialogue between the United States and Iran. "We need a dialogue with Iran. I'm told we had opportunities to have that dialogue," he said. "It's been rebuffed three times.
And what does the "lobbying scandals" have to do with Iran?
Wesley Clark wants to have it both ways - he wants to have "talks" with Iran, but if Iran gets a nuclear weapon it is a sure bet that Clark will blame President Bush for not doing anything.
In short, its the old leftwing playbook.