Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton is as far left in the Downtrodden Party as Wuss Feingold and other simpleton leftists, the far far far left finds her incompatible with their sickening and twisted thinking.
Towards this end, Susan Sarandon, one of the most disgusting leftists in Hollywood - a town larded down with disgusting leftists - has thrown her "support" behind Hillary Clinton's far far far left opponent, Jonathan Tasini, who has more of a chance of being elected Pope than of beating Der Hillary in the Downie primary in New York state.
Actress Susan Sarandon Endorses Clinton Opponent In Senate Race
Actress Susan Sarandon, a longtime liberal political activist and outspoken opponent of the Iraq war, endorsed an anti-war Democrat challenging Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's re-election bid Tuesday.
Sarandon is backing Jonathan Tasini, a labor advocate and former president of the National Writers' Union, who has based his longshot campaign on Clinton's vote in 2002 authorizing military intervention in Iraq.
Clinton, who is widely considered the front-runner for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination if she chooses to run, has sharply criticized the Bush Administration's handling of the war. But she has also refused to call for American troops to be removed from Iraq.
Sarandon has been a harsh critic of Clinton's vote on the war, telling a British television interviewer last month that Clinton had "crumbled under the pressure of the moment." She also told ITV1 that she wasn't enthusiastic about a Clinton presidential candidacy.
Announcing Sarandon's endorsement, Tasini called the 59-year old Academy Award winner a "passionate advocate for human rights, justice and civil liberties" and said he was "honored" to have her support.
"She has never wavered when the call has come for people to stand on the front lines in support of progressive principles that affect the lives of so many people in our country," Tasini said.
It is amazing that the Left finds Hillary Clinton objectionable. She is farther to the left than 95% of this country. Yet somehow the delusional leftwing finds she is not leftwing enough.