Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Nancy Pelosi (D-Nutjob) is one of the most frightening politicians who currently serves in a position of true power. Just watch her - every time she speaks, either she makes the most ridiculous, inane statements, or she says things with her eyes twitching, as if she is about to explode. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights, with our apologies to the deers of the world, who do not deserve to be lumped in with this, well, lump.
So, with that storied introduction, we present Ms. Pelosi in all her deluded glory, in an interview in which says not one thing that anyone not in a straitjacket can understand:
Nancy Pelosi Speaks
Our intention is to establish a record so that we can go forward with public policy that has the support of the public and they know why certain decisions are made. The public is...they’re beautiful - they’re optimistic, they’re positive, they’re concerned now about the direction of the country.
We have to show that to the public. [inaudible] …whoever prevails in the future. They know they can’t get away with it. They’ve done serious damage to the country, and we have a responsibility to have the record show that.
And also to take people to a different place. This is an old way of thinking -- the rich get rich and the poor get poorer. You know, it’s an old idea and it’s not a good one. They have to see that there is a concerted decision made to do these things, and so, let the chips fall where they may.
Democrats are just so wonderful. We have such a perfectionist drive and if our leaders don’t agree with us 100 percent … the Republicans don’t act that way.
So we have to do what we have to do. I’m not about whining, I’m about winning. Whatever it is we have to do -- we have to do it to get our message out there. It was important to us to spend time building unity in the party because that has its own appeal. We’re united around core principles.
We have to have a strategy and we have to have priorities. What we do has to have consensus but it has to be bold. I’m not here for any milquetoast politics. [inaudible] Go home and criticize us, but don’t slow us down. Don’t slow us down. This is no convoy, this is a bandwagon. It has to have consensus and it has to have clarity. In order to have to have that clarity, we can’t have every issue in the book. We can bring it around the frames of fairness, of responsibility, of community, of real security...
Let me just say this and you’ll understand. If I said, “a microphone is on the table is the message,” 10 Republicans around the table would say a microphone is on the table, a microphone is on the table, a microphone is on the table. Ten Democrats around the table would say a microphone is on the table, it’s next to a glass, there’s all these people sitting around, it’s in a room with a chandelier, there are windows in the room… Now why are you doing that? Just say what we’re going to say! Just say it! This is what we want them to know! But I think if I said it that way, they would understand it better, there’d be more context… They have this much time for us - you got to get in before the window closes. The microphone is on the table!
Well, there it is, in all its marvelous...incredible...well, shit.
Let's take a closer look at "the program" that Madame Loonytune says she and her silly party will run on in the midterm elections:
1. "The public is beautiful." How beautiful, is anyone's guess...but can you win an election based on kissing someone's great looking ass?
2. "They know they can’t get away with it." Who the "they" is, is not specified...wanna guess?
3. "They’ve done serious damage to the country." There's that unknown "they" again. Who could it be, we ask? Al Qaeda? Saddam Hussein? Bert and Ernie? The Fuller Brush Man?
4. The Downies want "to take people to a different place." Are they opening a travel agency? Orbitz, anyone?
5. "The rich get rich and the poor get poorer." Marxist boilerplate at its finest. Did Ms. Nutjob get a new edition of "Das Kapital" recently? Maybe she wants it autographed by the author, and can't find a way to contact him.
6. "Let the chips fall where they may." First a travel agency, now a casino. Maybe its a secret plan to hire all those illegal aliens the Downies want to keep invading the country!
7. "Democrats are just so wonderful." We agree...especially when they are making our enemies feel better about themselves.
8. "We have such a perfectionist drive." Well, the public is beautiful..so why can't Downies be "perfectionists"? Do me a favor, Nancy - when you get through kissing your own behind, wipe that shit off your face, okay?
9. "I’m not about whining, I’m about winning." Actually, Nancy dear, you are about whining. And it is making the rest of us who are not leftwing nutjobs throw up everything we ate in the last 2 years.
10. "We have to have a strategy and we have to have priorities." We think that that is the most important thing. However, there are no specifics...what IS the strategy and what ARE the priorities? Selling out this country to terrorists? Jacking up taxes on everyone who ever worked and is still alive? Oh, and jack up taxes on the estates of people who died? Making the economy be based on corn chips and sugar cane?
11. "What we do has to have consensus but it has to be bold." Aw, come on...be bold, Nancy. But keep away from those of us with brains when you do. Your disease could be contagious.
12. "Don’t slow us down. This is no convoy, this is a bandwagon." We are impressed: first a travel agency, then a casino, and now a chuckwagon. What an plan for increased employment! Maybe Nancy can operate her own calliope for laughs.
13. "Let me just say this and you’ll understand. If I said, “a microphone is on the table is the message,” 10 Republicans around the table would say a microphone is on the table, a microphone is on the table, a microphone is on the table." Because, Nancy, a fucking microphone IS on the table, you complete imbecile. What would Downies say - that there is a kangaroo on the table?
Well, there it is - 13 statements by Der Dumbkof sure to make even the most rabid American-hating liberal take pride in their party of incredible jerkoffs.
But if the regular thinking American people buy into this mound of unadulterated manure in November, then this country is finished.
Finished. Period.