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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Leftwing Conspiratorial Nuts on Parade - This Time in Colorado

Imagine for a moment having to deal with the silly left on a daily basis in your town - that is surely a hell that one must bear regularly these days.

Now, imagine that these leftwing psychos sue the local newspaper for not publishing leftwing psychosis which they believe is news.

Don't believe it? Check out this story from Colorado, where a leftwingnut is suing the local newspaper because - get this one - the paper is refusing to report on the fakery of the 9/11 attacks, and as such is part of the cover-up.

Oh, and the nut is suing for money to pay for their personal investigation into the attacks, which they say prove that there was a cover-up.

You can laugh, but you cannot make this stuff up. It is truly incredible.

Durango woman sues Herald for 9/11 cover up

A Durango woman issued a court summons to The Durango Herald, its publisher and its chairman on Thursday, demanding the newspaper compensate her for her attempt to uncover what she believes is a conspiracy to suppress the truth about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Judith Pfeif, representing a group called Caring for Our Community, obtained a summons requiring the Herald to appear in La Plata County small-claims court on June 1.

Pfeif wants $7,500 compensation - the maximum allowed in small-claims court - for expenses incurred researching the attacks and publicizing her view of what happened.

Pfeif wrote in her petition, "The defendants are guilty of complicity in covering up the truth about the 9/11 tragedy, thus making every one of them accomplices in the greatest crime of this century."

Pfeif could not be reached for comment because she did not have a listed phone number.

Publisher Richard Ballantine responded to the summons Thursday, saying "I don't think the Herald is withholding anything that pertains to a conspiracy.

"The newsroom has the right to select the news and photos it thinks is of interest to its readers," Ballantine said, adding that he will represent the newspaper in the court hearing.

"The whole idea that we're being sued for not running a story is very unusual in the newspaper industry," he said.

You know, in a strange way maybe this leftwingloon has a point.

After all, maybe we can sue all of the American media for ignoring the story that the Downtrodden Party is run by imbeciles and is infested with pro-terror anti-Semites and American-haters.

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