Tuesday, May 30, 2006
If you listen to the sickening paranoia of the American Left (the foreign left is a whole other bunch of psychos), you can find a plot behind every major event. The Hindenburg? The right did it. Picasso died? The right did it. Bin Laden? Really, he is a friend of the CIA, and to George W. Bush. In short, the right is responsible for all of the world's ills.
Now imagine that the Left has come up with the granddaddy of psychoses: that President George H.W. Bush, better known as "Bush 41," was behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Psycho, right? But there's more - that George W. Bush, who wasn't even President in 1999, murdered JFK, Jr.
How Bush 41 did it (he and Oswald took turns firing the Mannlicher Carcano?), and how Bush 43 did it (he secretly went to the airport and tinkered with JFK Jr.'s plane, right?), is not stated...but, wait: they have evidence that they wish to present to a jury in Texas.
"A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush,establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. If we could present this evidence to a jury in Texas, he would pay with his life."
Oh, man. It's thorough, it is documented, and it is crap. All in one massive lump of horse manure and cow flops.
The question here is: Where do these leftwing sickos come from? Who is raising such human refuse?