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Monday, May 22, 2006

Jordanian Killed by Palestinians in "Not a Civil War" Attack; Will Israel Be Blamed?

The "fighting" and "killing" amongst Palestinians - the "attacks" that the MSM worldwide refuse to call a "civil war" - has now claimed a Jordanian, caught in the crossfire between psychotic terrorists from Fatah and ultra-psychotic terrorists from Hamas.

Gaza: Jordanian killed in crossfire

An employee of the Jordanian embassy in Gaza was killed Monday in gun battles between Palestinian police officers and members of Hamas’ newly-established security unit.

Jordan has demanded that the Authority investigate the embassy staffer’s death.

Palestinian sources said the Jordanian citizen, who worked as an embassy driver, was killed in exchanges of gunfire near the Palestinian parliament building in Gaza.

Earlier it was reported that fresh clashes erupted between Hamas and Fatah gunmen, leaving a Palestinian man dead and six injured. Eyewitnesses said members of a special security unit recently set up by the Hamas-led government in defiance of Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah-faithful Palestinian Authority policemen exchanged fire Monday afternoon.

But, as the liberal media likes to say, this is NOT a civil war.

However, when the same thing happens in Iraq, it IS a civil war.

That's called "liberalspeak."

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