Monday, May 22, 2006
Little Johnny Downwards, the simpleton who thought that with less than one term in the US Senate under his belt (and with a record of doing absolutely nothing in that single term) that he should be elected President, has told ABC News that President Bush is "the worst President ever" - even worse than Richard Nixon.
Now we realize why Little Johnny didn't run for a second term in the US Senate: he is so dumb that he would've lost that seat. By retiring, he looked like a winner.
What a winner.
Edwards: Bush Worse than Nixon
May 21, 2006 — - Former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., says George W. Bush is the "worst president of our lifetime," and "absolutely" worse than Watergate-tainted President Richard M. Nixon.
In an exclusive appearance on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," the former presidential and vice presidential contender said of Bush, "He's done a variety of things -- things which are going to take us forever to recover from.
"You have to give Bush and Cheney and gang credit for being good at politics -- you know, good at political campaigns," Edwards added. "They're very good at dividing the country and taking advantage of it. What they're not good at is governing, and it shows every single day in this administration. And the country is paying a huge price for that."
That's right - George W. Bush not lying under oath, not assaulting women, not selling our technology to Communist China, as Johnny's hero Bill Clinton did - is "worse than Nixon."
Of course, Little Johnny's priorities, including ripping off companies and shaking them down for millions of dollars, have always been down in the mud.
Now, check out the photo of Little Johnny from ABC News:

And this man nearly became the Vice President of this country.
We wouldn't trust him to clean airport urinals.