Thursday, May 04, 2006
The Downtrodden Party likes to pride itself on making nice with homosexuals - they say the right things, and scream loudest in support of the gay lobby, but when it comes to actually fighting for them, the Downies cringe because the homosexual agenda is pretty much hated by 70% of the American people. So when issues like gay marriage and gays in the military come up, Downies pound their fists and make nice speeches but move quickly out of the way when the people have their say against these initiatives.
Now, Howard "Ducky" Dean, chairman of the Downtrodden National Committee, has fired the party's "outreach" (bad word - we know) director on gay matters, in what appears to be a slam at the man for having his male lover criticize Der Ducky.
Homosexuals who believe in their heart of hearts that that party stands up for them are coming to realize the whole thing is a sham.
Dean fires Dems' gay outreach chief
Democratic Party Chair Howard Dean on May 2 fired the party's gay outreach advisor Donald Hitchcock less than a week after Hitchcock's domestic partner, Paul Yandura, a longtime party activist, accused Dean of failing to take stronger action to defend gays.
Dean immediately hired gay former Democratic Party operative Brian Bond to replace Hitchcock, according to DNC spokesperson Karen Finney, who called Bond a "proven leader."
Bond served from 1996 to 2003 as executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a bipartisan national group that raises money and provides training to help elect openly gay candidates to public office.
"It was not retaliation," Finney said of Hitchcock's dismissal. "It was decided we needed a change. We decided to hire a proven leader."
Hitchcock declined comment Tuesday night except to confirm that Dean informed him May 2 through a surrogate that he had been terminated. He said he was considering consulting an attorney to decide whether to contest the firing.
"This is retaliation, plain and simple," said Yandura. "This shows what they think about domestic partners."
Yandura said Tuesday night that Dean was using Hitchcock as a "scapegoat" for problems of Dean's own making.
"All I did was ask questions about what the party and Dean are doing about its GLBT constituency, Yandura said. "I have yet to see any answers."
Ducky Dean has been an unmitigated disaster for the Downtrodden Party. The fundraising amounts have dropped off the map, he cannot get good candidates to run, and now this.
And people wonder why that party should not be in power. With this as a chairman, would you want them in power?