Monday, May 22, 2006
The BBC, one of the "triad of journalistic evil," along with CNN and al-Jazeera, all of which utilize sickeningly leftist ideology, anti-American and anti-Semitic rants, and plain out-and-out lies to indoctrinate their audiences, has a problem: a light bulb blew out on the sign outside their London headquarters.
So what? you ask.
Well, when you take a Marxist organization endowed with billions of pounds of taxpayer funds, you get the following story: how the BBC is spending money hand over fist to get the bulb changed, something which should have taken, at worst, an hour.
Just how many people does it take to change a BBC light bulb?
The sorry saga of a broken light has illuminated the scale of "bureaucratic waste" at the BBC and cost licence fee payers thousands of pounds.
For more than a month the iconic sign at BBC Television Centre on Wood Lane, west London, has been out of action.
But what should have been a simple job, to repair a light illuminating the second "i", has descended into farce.
For where once it would have been a job for a couple of in-house technicians with a few hours to spare, the project has sunk into confusion involving outside contractors and spiralling costs.
So far two outside companies have been hired to fix the problem. One has been tasked with erecting a series of hydraulic platforms to reach the sign, 50 feet up in the air. The other is evaluating the damage.
It is estimated that it costs the corporation £1,100 each time this procedure is carried out. Only once a full assessment is made will the BBC's own staff decide what course of action to take before handing the repair work to one of the "outsourcing" contractors.
Imagine: approximately $2,000 US dollars each time a "study" on how to change the bulb is done.
If a taxpayer-funded organization in the US were doing this, the whistle would be blown.
However, if it was PBS doing the spending, the rest of the liberal media would probably be loathe to make their fellow leftists look bad.
So, the question remains: how many liberal morons does it take to change a lightbulb?
The world may never know.