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Saturday, May 27, 2006

"Dear Useful Idiot": An Open Letter to "Piece of Shit Mom" Cindy Sheehan

Catherine Seipp, a blogger from California, pens an open letter to "The Piece of Shit Mom," Cindy Sheehan, who does not have time to put a stone on her son's grave but does have time to write leftwing fantasy books.

Seipp nails Marxist Cindy:

Dear Useful Idiot

My teenage daughter, who is a more sympathetic person than I am, thinks baldly calling Cindy Sheehan an idiot is a bit harsh, so I'll amend: Cindy Sheehan is a useful idiot, a rattle-headed tool of everyone from Not In Our Name, who even as the Twin Towers were still smoldering worried more about retaliation against the poor Taliban than about women oppressed by the Taliban; to pro-Palestinian terrorist apologists; to your friendly neighborhood Stalinists at various branches of International ANSWER, whose objectives range from freeing Mumia to putting a bright and happy spin on daily life in North Korea.

And yet the most idiotic statement in Sheehan’s new book, Dear President Bush, comes not from Sheehan herself but from Howard Zinn, who writes in the introduction: “A box-cutter can bring down a tower. A poem can build up a movement. A pamphlet can spark a revolution.”

A box-cutter can bring down a tower. By now, I suppose, we should be used to the hard Left’s extending underdog status to the worst of mass murderers; still, the sheer gall of beginning a series of David-and-Goliath metaphors with that one is breathtaking.

As they say, "Read the whole thing."

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