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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Daily Kookoos: "Moussaoui is Innocent!"

The Left in the US believes, truly, that George W. Bush and an evil cabal of CIA officers were behind 9/11 - and that they "set up" 19 Muslims to "take the fall" while the US government murdered 3,000 Americans to somehow start wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Are you following this loony logic? Because it fits right in with the left's latest delusion: that Zacharias Moussaoui is "innocent." Not that he shouldn't be put to death...he is innocent.

That's the Left: psycho as usual.

"moussouai is innocent!">

it should be obvious that moussouai was nothing more than a stand alone dupe who knew nothing.

he was not connected with the 9/11 plot in any way, shape or form and knew absolutely nothing.

consider that he was arrested BEFORE the 9/11 event, yet the plot went ahead anyway!

if you were going to rob a bank with several accomplices and one of the accomplices is arrested before-hand, you are going to cancel the heist. you don't know if the arrestee is going to sing like a canary and if the police will be waiting.

yet here we have a plot of mind-boggling complexity (remember, the hijackers had to learn to fly before hand) that went ahead DESPITE the capture of one of its members.

do any of you really believe that al-qaeda, or anyone else for that matter, would have employed a clearly deranged person like moussouai to be part of the 9/11 plot?

or did al-qaida know it was completely protected by elements within the american government establishment?

several years ago the cia stated that it would not have been able to pull off 9/11. despite its nearly limitless resources. yet an organization that was under the gun and monitored throughout the world was.

think about that.

Yep, we thought all about it - and this sicko needs help, and fast.

And the responses? Similarly psychotic:

"I think it's probly much more likely that the hijackers had inside help from PNAC than any other part of this diary being all that relevant."

There's the modern American left for you. All in its crazed glory.

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