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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Anderson Cooper Gets Lower Ratings Than The Man He Replaced

Anderson Cooper, whose silly "AC360" show on CNN is more painful than watching Keith Dimbulberman (and that takes some doing), is getting worse ratings than the man he replaced, Aaron Brown, who was replaced because his ratings were in the basement.


May 4, 2006 -- IF Anderson Cooper isn't just a little embarrassed, he should be. Sure, he made the cover of Vanity Fair - but inside is a creepy photo of the CNN dandy in a mama's-boy pose with real-life mother Gloria Vanderbilt that has media types snickering. Worse, Cooper was sucker-punched with his April ratings that had his prime-time show down about 36 percent with younger viewers he's supposed to attract. Aaron Brown, whom Cooper ousted, was actually doing better this time last year.

Wait - Anderson "Cooper" is really Anderson Vanderbilt?

Holy crap!

Then again, the "Anderson Vanderbilt Show" doesn't sound good on a leftwing network like CNN which hates wealthy people.

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