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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The ACLU: Working to Make America Less Safe

The ACLU, one of the most dangerous, if not the most dangerous non-governmental organization in the United States, is at it again, working to make sure that terrorists have their rights protected, while at the same time trying to get state funds so that some anti-American nutjobs can travel to terrorist states.

ACLU raps new law banning state-paid travel to terrorist nations

A civil rights group criticized a new law, signed Tuesday by Gov. Jeb Bush, that restricts colleges and universities from using state funds for travel to countries classified as terrorist states by the U.S. government.

Legislators passed the bill in May. The countries on the terrorist list are Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.

"This will be another embarrassing mark on Florida's reputation," said Howard Simon, executive director of the Florida American Civil Liberties Union.

The law will stifle research in countries that Americans need to know about in order to improve security, Simon said. He said it also could get in the way of academic and humanitarian projects in other countries.

So, there it is.

We need to have pro-terror Americans travel to North Korea, the Sudan, and Syria because they may need to study "security techniques" or to work on "academic and humanitarian projects" in those countries.

There you have it. The government should pay for people to go to Syria to get an academic lesson on what it means to be an Islamic nutcase, or to go to North Korea to watch a country hell bent on destroying the world while at the same time starving its entire populace.

Only the ACLU and their leftwing psychobabble membership could find fault in this law.

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