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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Study: In the 2004 Election, Kerry was "Depressed," and Downwards was "Feminine"

A study of the speeches done during the 2004 election show that John Kerry's speeches were "depressed" sounding, and that John Downwards, the apparently fey moron from North Carolina, sounded "feminine."

Oh - and Dick Cheney was the most "manly" of the 4 candidates running.

Smart Talk and Girly Talk on the Campaign Trail

Forget the Swift boat ads, the economy or international terrorism. Here's what really may have decided the last presidential election:

President Bush and Vice President Cheney sounded more presidential than their Democratic counterparts. Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.) seemed the most depressed or suicidal. And Kerry's running mate, Sen. John Edwards (N.C.), sounded the most like a "girly man."

This comes as no surprise. Kerry has always sounded depressed - he sounds like he needs a suicide hotline even when he flashes one of those fake smiles - and Downwards is just a pretty boy. And this almost won a national election? Yikes!

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