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Monday, April 17, 2006

Shocking Development: The BBC Asks: Is Global Warming a Fraud?

The BBC never fails to take the far left side of every argument, then take offense when their zeal is pointed out to them.

However, when we saw this we had to read it several times, because it could have been a parody.

It isn't. BBC Radio 4 asked today: "Could Global Warming be a Fraud?"

Overselling Climate Change

Simon Cox reports on how scientists are becoming worried by the quality of research used to back up the most extreme climate predictions.

Every week we are assailed by scare stories about the climate. Malaria in Africa, hurricanes in Florida, even the death of frogs in Latin America - all are being linked to global warming. But does the science behind these claims really stand up, or are the risks of climate change being oversold to win the battle for influence?

All we could say was: OMIGOD.

If the BBC is asking this, how long before the rest of the world wakes up and exposes this fraud and junk science for what it is: anti-capitalist nonsense by leftists?

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