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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Review of the Film "United 93" Decries Picture's Lack of Feeling for the Terrorists

It has become almost common knowledge since 9/11 that the Left wishes to visit upon the terrorists who perpetrated that crime, and all terrorists crimes, the feelings of mercy, understanding, and compassion. After all, goes the liberal argument, you have to understand Muslim terrorists because they have something to say. You cannot fight them, you cannot mistreat them (and jail - hell no!), you cannot harm them. You must understand their plight, find common ground so we can talk to them about their feelings of hatred for us.

Well, we found another liberal who shows his utter denselessness and lack of a brain by claiming in a review of the new film "United 93," about the plane which crashed in Pennsylvania when the people on board fought the Muslim hijackers, that the terrorists' families were not "consulted" about the film when the victims' families were.

Perhaps, when a movie about Ted Bundy comes out, we need to talk to his family to get a feeling of what it must have been like to live with killing dozens of women.

Review: United 93

...but it is the only one I've come across where the families of those onboard gave it their full-on approval. Not all the families, of course. All evidence suggests that the terrorists' relatives were left entirely out of the creative process, an action which goes a way toward revealing the film's hagiographic bias (how easy it then becomes to turn victims into heroes and adversaries into monsters) and points up the general ridiculousness of involving the families in the first place (too many cooks spoiling an already rancid broth).

That's right, folks - this leftist imbecile believes that if you show Muslim terrorists to be, well, terrorists, who killed innocent people, and you show the innocent people who fought them to be, well, heroes, then this is a bad thing.

His e-mail address appears when you click his name at the bottom. Do so, and send him this message: YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE.

Liberal thinking: twisted, sick, and out of touch with all traces of reality.

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