Sunday, April 30, 2006
Those peaceful Muslims*, hell bent on either making the world all Muslim or destroying it, are now asking media outlets to stop using the terms "Islamic terrorism" and "jihad" because - get this one - it makes Islam "look bad."
That part about flying planes into buildings and hacking off people's heads was somehow missed in this discussion.
A Place for 'Hirabah' in the Lexicon on Terrorism
There have been calls from certain Muslim and Western quarters that militant Islamism be identified as "hirabah" (Arabic for "terrorism") instead of jihadism, and that militant Islamists be called "irhabiyoun" ("terrorists"). The argument is that the use of terminology derived from the word "jihad" accords these militant actors a degree of legitimacy.
The Muslims and non-Muslims calling for the use of "hirabah" terminology have unique motivations for doing so. For Muslims, the terminology allows them to make the case that militant Islamists constitute a fringe that has nothing to do with Islam.
If any media outlet caves into this kind of nonsense, every member of that outlet should be fired.
*Yeah, right.