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Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Liberal Philosophy: Free Speech for Me, Nothing for You

Liberals believe in free speech - until someone utters speech they do not like. If you want to make a liberal mad, say something or do something they disagree with, then stand back and watch the fur fly.

Here is an example of "do as I say, not as I do": a liberal professor who did not like a display of crosses which protested abortions being done tore them down - and, after she and her students were arrested, her lawyer now uses the novel approach that the display was a "threat," and thus she could act against it.

If only this were a comedy, it would be funny - but it is fucking pathetic.

Prof, others charged in cross case

HIGHLAND HEIGHTS - A professor and six students at Northern Kentucky University were charged Wednesday with misdemeanors related to the April 12 destruction of an anti-abortion display on campus.

Sally Jacobsen of the literature and language department, has been charged with criminal mischief, theft by unlawful taking and criminal solicitation. The third charge relates to evidence that she encouraged students to participate in the destruction, County Attorney Justin Verst said.

The six students, who range in age from 21 to 27, were charged with criminal mischief and theft by unlawful taking.

The theft charge is a class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a $500 fine.

The criminal mischief and solicitation charges are class B misdemeanors punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $250 fine.

Verst said additional students might be charged as their identities become known.

Four hundred crosses representing aborted fetuses were pulled from the ground and thrown in trash cans around campus.

A sign explaining the temporary display, which had been approved by university officials as an expression of free speech, was also removed.

Jacobsen told reporters that she had "invited" students in her graduate-level British literature course to exercise free-speech by destroying the display.

She said she was offended by the simulated cemetery, which she considered intimidating and harmful to women who might be considering abortions. NKU's campus newspaper, the Northerner, published photos of Jacobsen dismantling part of the display.


Jacobsen will plead not guilty, Grubbs said. Grubbs said the dismantling of the display doesn't amount to a criminal act.

"The intent was just an expression of freedom of speech," Grubbs said. "She saw harm coming from it, and she was just expressing her attitude towards the harm."

So, there you have it: according to liberals, destroying something that someone is using to illustrate a point someone disagrees with is not a crime - it is free speech.

Now, pro-lifers can go and firebomb abortion clinics, because, according to this liberal crap, there is a threat to pro-life views and something must be done about it.

Find me a court that buys this shit and I will be amazed.

Only in liberalfantasyland is this kind of garbage even permissible.

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