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Monday, April 24, 2006

Liberal and ACLU Member Nat Hentoff: "Bush is Right"

Every now and then,, if you listen, you can hear a liberal here or a liberal there say what they truly believe - that President Bush is doing the right thing. One such liberal is Nat Hentoff, an ACLU member, who stands with President Bush in trying to end the slaughter of Christians by Muslims in Darfur.

Bush is right: ‘Genocide must be stopped!’

On March 25, at Freedom House in Washington, D.C., George W. Bush — who has been more outspoken on the mass murders in Darfur than any world leader — said: "When we say genocide, we mean genocide must be stopped!" The African Union's small force, he added, is not enough. "There should be a NATO overlay" of support.

However, it was appalling to hear, on PBS' "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," NATO head Jaap de Hoop Scheffer say that "Africans feel very strongly" that they should take care of problems on their own continent. So, he added, one "should be careful" about imposing oneself on them. "There is not yet the need for declaring a willingness for (NATO) to participate."

Yesterday, Usama bin Laden asked the Muslims of Darfur to fight any United Nations troops in the name of Islam. Of course, the UN does nothing about what goes on there, and Europe could care less.

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