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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Harry Reid: Hypocrisy Rears His Ugly Head

Harry Reid, the Really in the Minority Leader in the US Senate, reached into his bag of tricks and launched the "I Will Be a Hypocrite" Speech.

Just a few short years ago, the Downies were blasting President Bush because he ignored our "allies" in Europe over Iraq. He didn't lean enough on them, said the liberal argument.

Now, liberals like Reid have decided to attack President Bush for the opposite field: now, they are claiming that he leans too much on the allies, now when it comes to Iran.

Too little then, too much now. Where to fight these hypocrites?

Reid Blasts Bush During Reno Visit

RENO, Nev. -- The Bush administration is relying too heavily on other countries in the international effort to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, according to Sen. Harry Reid.

Reid, D-Nev., said the administration should be taking the lead, but instead is relying on Germany, France and Great Britain to convince Iran to end its uranium enrichment program.

"It is hard to comprehend," Reid said Tuesday in Reno. "We should be involved at trying to arrive at a diplomatic solution. ... Not just these three countries."

Notice that no one ever challenges these lying thugs over their flip-flops. First Anthony Zinni with his lies, and now Reid. Where will this end?

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