Saturday, April 22, 2006
Here is the tale: EU investigators find that the CIA had a number of secret prisons for al-Qaeda and terrorist suspects around Europe. Euro-peon legislators call for sanctions. The BBC, and all major media outlets in America report on the findings, once more showing that the US is led by an administration which is intent on breaking the law. Dana Priest, Washington Post reporter who reported on the secret prisons and won the Pulitzer Prize this week, is congratulated.
Now, the truth: the EU found no such prisons. The BBC and all major American media outlets ignored the story. Dana Priest is not shamed into giving back her Pulitzer for a story in which she lied.
Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.
EU official: No evidence of illegal CIA action
BRUSSELS -- Investigations into reports that US agents shipped prisoners through European airports to secret detention centers have produced no evidence of illegal CIA activities, the European Union's antiterrorism coordinator said yesterday.
The investigations also have not turned up any proof of secret renditions of terror suspects on EU territory, Gijs de Vries told a European Parliament committee investigating the allegations.
The European Parliament's probe and a similar one by the continent's leading human rights watchdog are looking into whether US intelligence agents interrogated Al Qaeda suspects at secret prisons in Eastern Europe and transported some on secret flights through Europe.
But so far investigators have not identified any human rights violations, despite more than 50 hours of testimony by human rights activists and individuals who said they were abducted by US intelligence agents, de Vries said.
"We've heard all kinds of allegations, impressions; we've heard also refutations. It's up to your committee to weigh if they are true. It does not appear to be proven beyond reasonable doubt," he said. "There has not been, to my knowledge, evidence that these illegal renditions have taken place."
The liberals are just plain disgusting. They lie, they cheat, they make shit up - and they call President Bush a liar.