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Friday, April 14, 2006

Downies Proven to Be Crass, Disgusting Liars on Medicare Benefit - and the Media Covers It Up

When the Republicans in Congress passed the Medicare Drug Benefit, the liberals and their lowlife media buddies yelled how senior citizens were being ripped off, cheated, ruined, murdered, etc. Then, they leaned on the "this fraud is too awful for seniors to understand" and "seniors will never have the proper benefit from it." The MSM was all too happy to make sure these whining pronouncements got all the airplay possible.

Now, AARP - a liberal group if there ever was one - did a poll, and found (horror of horrors!) that 78% of seniors are satisfied with their Medicare plan as it is now.

Shocking, shocking, shocking - and even more so that AARP bothered to announce these poll results.

New Medicare Drug Benefit is Meeting or Exceeding Expectations; AARP Survey Details Public Reaction to Prescription Drug Plans

WASHINGTON, April 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- According to a new survey released today by AARP, nearly eight-in-ten, (78 percent) of those enrolled in a Medicare prescription drug plan say they are satisfied.

The AARP study was released about one month before Medicare's drug benefit enrollment deadline of May 15th. According to beneficiary June Dirks of Wichita, Kansas, if you haven't yet enrolled, "It's time to get moving!"

With her new drug plan, Ms. Dirks is saving about $200 every three months. She is not alone. Only 20 percent of respondents felt like they were not saving money with their plans."

AARP Director of Health Strategy Cheryl Matheis explains, "Before Medicare added a drug benefit, more than half of those in the program either lacked drug coverage or had inadequate coverage that did not protect them from high out-of-pocket costs. The new plans fill a critical need for affordable prescriptions drugs."

Omigod! New plans? New benefit?

By the way, Mr. and Mrs. Senior Citizen: guess who passed that plan? Guess who signed it into law? Guess which party fought it to the death and tried to block it with all their power?

Answers? 1. The Republican Congress. 2. President George W. Bush. 3. The Downtrodden Party.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the MSM to mention this story. Because they want it to go away as quickly as possible - before seniors make a mistake and vote Republican this November.

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