Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The Cleveland Plain Dealer is another far left media outlet in a town where that kind of shit appears to be in vogue. But when a far left newspaper retracts its endorsement of former mayor of Cleveland and current Representative (and full on nutcase) Dennis Kucinich because he is too far left, that just shows how pathetic American liberalism truly is.
Endorsement: Barbara Anne Ferris
It is extremely unusual for a newspaper to withdraw its endorsement from an incum bent it has supported for years - the more so when that officeholder is a con gressman with an interna tional reputation, and the race is a primary election that he almost certainly will win.
Nonetheless, that is what The Plain Dealer does today. In the Democratic contest between five-term Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich and his challenger, nonprofit executive Barbara Anne Ferris, this page endorses Ferris as the Democrat more in tune with the community, its needs and its future.
And that, sadly, is more than we can say for the approach Kucinich, 59, has taken in recent years.
Rather than focusing on the real and immediate needs of this district, which encompasses the West Side of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County's western suburbs, Kucinich has been on a quixotic journey of increasingly grandiose proportions. He spent much of 2004 on a one-man campaign for president of the United States, having cobbled together a creaky, left-slanted platform upon which his party would not set foot, but which he would not abandon. And though he says he has no plans to resume that quest next year, he declines to rule it out.
Now, America is a wonderful country, where anyone can aspire to the presidency. But, left here in the dust of Kucinich's globe-trotting quest, his constituents can only wonder: What might have been accomplished for the 10th District had those energies been channeled into pursuing its interests, rather than those of its congressman?
Another factor in this decision has been Kucinich's regression to the belligerent, us-against-them mindset that made him the one-term "boy mayor" who led Cleveland into default in the 1970s. His preference for confrontation over cooperation did Cleveland no good then; it does the region no good now.
How Kucinich, an ugly little know-nothing of a creep whose toupee is as frightening as his ideas, thought he could run for President and somehow win is demonstrative of his inability to be rational. Is mental illness the problem?
Then again, he is a liberal. That could explain it.