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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Boss Hugo is on Another Rampage, Threatening his Opposition

Hugo Chavez, the scumbag Marxist who runs Venezuela, is making sure that anyone who opposes him - even speaks out against him - will be punished, in one way or another.

If this were not so sickening, it would be hilarious.

Chavez's Blacklist of Venezuelan Opposition Intimidates Voters

April 17 (Bloomberg) -- In the two years since she signed a petition that forced a recall vote on President Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan lawyer Rocio San Miguel says she lost her government job, colleagues became afraid to talk to her, and her husband, a pilot, was taken off active duty from the Air Force.

``It was a witch hunt,'' said San Miguel, 39. Last month she and two other Foreign Ministry employees filed a complaint with the Organization of American States alleging their political rights were violated when they were fired. The case is pending.

The practice of denying government jobs to some of the 3.4 million Venezuelans who signed the petition has intimidated voters and will help Chavez win re-election in December, said Riordan Roett, an international studies professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Blacklisting critics is effective in part because the government and state-run companies employ about 20 percent of workers in the South American country. Chavez, 51, also has stacked the Supreme Court with his backers, stripped landowners of farm land he deems ``underutilized'' and determined who can buy dollars at a preferential government-set exchange rate.

Hugo Chavez is a hero to the American Left - because they would rather stand with a pro-terrorism Marxist than with their own country, because it means they can bash George W. Bush.

Disgusting. Simply disgusting.

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