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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The BBC Does It Again: "Gays Were Better Off Under Saddam"

The BBC, one of the worst offenders of the truth in the world, is now making the stunningly hilarious claim that gays in Iraq - the three that exist - were better off under Saddam Hussein.

Wait, you say. Better off under Saddam? A nut who killed hundreds of thousands of people? Gays?

Well, if you are the BBC, you can make this ridiculous claim. If you are normal, you can laugh at the hilarity of it.

Gays in Iraq fear for their lives

"I don't want to be gay anymore. When I go out to buy bread, I'm afraid. When the doorbell rings, I think that they have come for me."
That is the fear that haunts Hussein, and other gay men in Iraq.

They say that since the US-led invasion, gays are being killed because of their sexual orientation.

They blame the increase in violence on the growing influence of religious figures and militia groups in Iraq since Saddam Hussein was ousted.

Islam considers homosexuality sinful. A website published in the name of Ayatollah Sistani, Iraq's most revered Shia cleric, says gays should be put to death.

"Those who commit sodomy must be killed in the harshest way," says a section of the website dealing with questions of morality.

Maybe we should stop invading countries, and just make the world safe for buggery.

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