Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The Arizona Daily Star of Tucson recently did the unthinkable: it ran a story on the illegal alien marches with the headline REPUBLICANS HATE LATINOS. No quotes - it was the statement of one of the more radical Hispanics in the march -
We regret use of 'hate Latinos' headline
'Republicans Hate Latinos'' read the headline on Friday's front-page in red, all-capital letters. No attribution. Just stated as fact.
That quote has been in the news since labor activist Dolores Huerta used the phrase in an April 3 speech at Tucson High School. The statement appeared as a quotation above four photos, including one of Huerta.
Yet in the Star's presentation, the quote was not attributed, instead presented as fact and in eye-catching red.
Gary Durrenberger called the headline: "perhaps the single most irresponsible piece of journalism I've ever seen.'' His e-mail continued: "Now, I understand it is not the (main) headline and after having read the story I also understand how the banner can be taken out of context. But, you cannot tell me that this page could not have been laid out better as to avoid the appearance of slander against Republicans.''
Managing Editor Teri Hayt, too, was troubled by the presentation. The quote "should have been attributed properly and not highlighted in red type. The reader is right, perception is reality and in this case we did not put the focus where it belonged — on Ms. Huerta."
The person or persons who put this story together should be fired. But they won't be - because their victims are Republicans. And, as the media likes to tell us, Republicans are evil.