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Friday, April 14, 2006

Arizona Attempts to Crack Down on Illegal Immigrants, But Their Liberal Governor Will Veto the Measure

Arizona is one of the states hit worst by hundreds of thousands of illegals crossing into the United States - many of the state's schools are filled with Spanish-speaking children who are illegal themselves; the state is hemorraging millions of dollars to give free health care to illegals; and crime is rampant, mostly because of illegals.

So, the state legislature passed a bill which would order to arrest and prosecution of illegal aliens. Smart, right? A sure winner, right?

Not so fast, pardner - because Arizona has a disgusting thug as its Governor: one Janet Napolitano, who has threatened to veto the bill.

Senate OKs arrests of immigrant trespassers

State lawmakers voted Wednesday to allow the arrest and prosecution of undocumented immigrants under Arizona's trespassing law, saying the move would deter immigrants from entering the country illegally.

The House and Senate gave final approval to Senate Bill 1157 and sent it to the governor, just two days after undocumented immigrants joined thousands of supporters at the Capitol seeking recognition of their contributions to American society.

The bill won passage after sponsors agreed to charge first offenders with a misdemeanor, not a felony as the bill had originally been written.

"This is common-sense legislation," said Rep. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, shortly before the House voted 33-27 to pass the bill. "It's about time we started standing up for the legal residents, the legal citizens of the United States and enforce our laws (and) protect our neighborhoods."

Gov. Janet Napolitano has hinted that she will veto measures that criminalize undocumented immigrants' presence in the United States. On Wednesday, she criticized a proposed federal measure.

"To convert 11 million people into felons automatically, I think, is not wise," Napolitano said, referring to a U.S. House of Representatives bill similar to the original version of SB 1157. "There should be felonies associated with illegal immigration, but they should be focused on the people who are making money off of this human misery: the human traffickers, the smugglers, the money launderers that are involved in this. Those folks really deserve the full brunt of the law."

The Downtrodden Party believes that if it holds out, stands firm, and pushes their radical agenda, they will get an amnesty for the 12-20 million illegals already here, and that will mean 12-20 million new votes for their evil party. This way, they can gain power when they otherwise have no chance to get it.

If this criminality is rewarded, all of America will lose. And lose big.

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