Thursday, April 20, 2006
General Anthony Zinni, now calling for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's resignation, says that he has been against the war in Iraq.
However, General Zinni (rhymes with "ninny") doesn't realize that one's prior statements can be found on the Internet if one looks hard enough.
We did. And we found that in 2000, Zinni briefed the Clinton administration on a war plan...for Iraq.
One of the participants in Capitol Hill's policy review was retired Marine
Gen. Anthony Zinni, until recently the head of the U.S. military command in charge of the Persian Gulf region.
Zinni has briefed senior administration officials on a secret war plan that details how the U.S. military, with limited allied help, would seek to topple Hussein. The effort would be massive, involving possibly as many as half a million troops, according to one knowledgeable official.
Although he has confidence in U.S. forces, Zinni has no illusions that such a scheme could win public support, considering the cost in lives and dollars it would almost certainly involve.
As with other people who oppose the Bush administration, this one made comments now in opposition to past stands. What is so terrible is that the media now wants to forget that people made those past statements.