Monday, March 13, 2006
When the US Supreme Court held last week that schools which receive federal funds must allow military recruiters on their campuses, it appeared that this was the final word, and that these schools would either comply or kiss goodbye to millions in federal funds.
Not so fast, buddy. According to one liberal law school in Howard Dean's Vermont, they don't have to comply.
In short, they told the US Supreme Court to fuck off.
Vermont Law School unlikely to admit recruiters
MONTPELIER -- Vermont Law School is unlikely to begin admitting military recruiters to its South Royalton campus even though the U.S. Supreme Court says it's legal for the federal government to withhold money as a result.
Dean Geoffrey Shields said the decision would be up to the school's trustees, but he did not anticipate a change of position just because the high court had ruled unanimously against Vermont Law and other law schools.
"Our position on this issue was really not a freedom of speech issue," he said. "It was a position taken in deference to wanting our students to be treated equally. The original rationale for the position remains intact."
The Supreme Court upheld a law that requires colleges that take federal money to allow military recruiters to work on campus.
"I'm not surprised by the Supreme Court's decision," Shields said. "What it essentially says is the military has the right to recruit wherever they want and the government has the right to impose whatever sanctions they want."
Vermont Law School would be faced with a different situation, however, if Congress directly demanded military access on campus -- even without threatening to withhold money -- as the Supreme Court said Congress could, Shields said.
That could jeopardize the school itself or threaten its professors if the law were ignored and the law school would have to change its position, he said.
"It's a clear opinion and if the government wants to get feisty and increase the pressure at some point, we'll have to go along with what the Department of Defense wants here," he said.
Liberals not liking the law when it doesn't go their way...does anyone have a fresher news story than this?