Saturday, March 04, 2006
The Muslims think that making themselves martyrs in the US will aid their cause.
The American people will turn against Muslim scum if any attacks in the United States come from native-born, or citizen, Muslims.
Editor of U.S. Arabic Newspaper: Religious Extremism is Spreading Among Muslim Youth in the U.S.
"At a time when Arab and Islamic leaders and organizations are investing great efforts and large amounts of money and time in order to improve the image of Islam and of the Muslims, some imams are working in an organized manner to brainwash adolescents in the Muslim community and to plant bogus ideas in their minds concerning Islam, jihad, takfir [accusing other Muslims of apostasy], heresy and the way [Muslim] society has strayed from the right path. They give them interpretations of Koranic verses that have been [deliberately] chosen so as to lead them to rebel against their parents, their families, and even against the society in which they live.
"[The youths] neglect their studies and spend their time watching videotapes and listening to audio tapes - most of which are given to them for free - on ways to train Muslim youth in military and ideological jihad, along with reports on the suffering of Muslims in some Muslim countries, as well as Koranic verses and sermons that encourage jihad, martyrdom, self-sacrifice, and the striking of terror into the hearts of the enemy."
Read this terrifying article - it shows why Muslims continue to be the worldwide threat that they have always been.
Only now, it will get worse.