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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Secret Iranian Meeting Shows How they "Duped" the West

A secret Iranian meeting transcript finds that Iran has been laughing at the stupidity of the West, biding time to build their nuclear weapon while Europe dithered.

How we duped the West, by Iran's nuclear negotiator

The man who for two years led Iran's nuclear negotiations has laid out in unprecedented detail how the regime took advantage of talks with Britain, France and Germany to forge ahead with its secret atomic programme.

In a speech to a closed meeting of leading Islamic clerics and academics, Hassan Rowhani, who headed talks with the so-called EU3 until last year, revealed how Teheran played for time and tried to dupe the West after its secret nuclear programme was uncovered by the Iranian opposition in 2002.

He boasted that while talks were taking place in Teheran, Iran was able to complete the installation of equipment for conversion of yellowcake - a key stage in the nuclear fuel process - at its Isfahan plant but at the same time convince European diplomats that nothing was afoot.

"From the outset, the Americans kept telling the Europeans, 'The Iranians are lying and deceiving you and they have not told you everything.' The Europeans used to respond, 'We trust them'," he said.

Once again, we find out why allowing the Euro-peons to do anything where American security or interests are important is a worthless venture. After two world wars, why do we bother?

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