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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Oops! Correction! The BBC Finally Highlights the Iraqi Documents Linking Saddam to al Qaeda!

After weeks of wrangling how to admit that they were dead wrong, the BBC has finally dispatched one of their untrustworthy correspondents and did a story on the wave of documents found by the US in Iraq which link Saddam Hussein and his evil regime to terrorism and to al Qaeda.

To read this article on the BBC is amazing. To imagine how sick these people got when they had to post it must be incredible.

Iraqi documents: Saddam's delusions

Recently released documents from Iraq have thrown important new light on the fantasies, failures and foreign activities of Saddam Hussein's government.

In particular, an assessment by US military analysts has shown Saddam Hussein's confusion as he was caught between trying to assure the UN that he had no weapons of mass destruction while wanting to leave the impression to others that he had.

It also reveals how and why Saddam believed that there would be no US invasion in 2003 and that he could defeat it anyway.

The Russian ambassador in Baghdad channelled information to Saddam during the war, some of it wrong, according to one document.

There was also evidence that the Russians had a spy in the in the US high command. An Iraqi document refers to "sources at US Central Command in Doha, Qatar."

Among the documents is one that appears to demonstrate how the Iraqis supported the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf group in the Philippines.

And there is a reference, so far unexplained, to plans being drawn up at the time of the invasion for a "Blessed July" series of suicide attacks in the West.

The BBC is still clinging to that last vestige of Leftist delusion that Saddam, having lost his WMD after the Gulf War in 1991, just sat back like a nice little boy and never built any more. These documents are gradually putting the lie to that stand. And we shall monitor the BBC to see if they continue to cover this story, or shove it under a rug and hope it goes away.

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