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Saturday, March 18, 2006

The New York Times' stock to be Downgraded in Value

Moody's says that they will devalue the stock of The New York Times.

Now, what could have happened to cause this? Poor sales? Bad writing? Infinite mistakes in reporting? A horrific leftist slant?

Moody's may downgrade New York Times ratings

Moody's Investors Service on Friday placed New York Times Co.'s A2 senior unsecured long term debt, and P-1 commercial paper ratings on review for possible downgrade. The agency said the review is prompted by Moody's growing concerns about the media company's high financial leverage, deteriorating operating margins and weak free cash flow available for debt reduction, combined with concerns over intensifying cross media competition, including the Internet, and growing event risk in the newspaper sector.

The true reason could be this: The Times has decided to throw its lot in with the enemies of America.

NY Times says it erred in Abu Ghraib photo report

The New York Times said on Saturday it had identified the wrong man as the hooded prisoner standing on a box in a photograph that came to symbolize U.S. military abuses at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.

The newspaper's March 11 profile about Ali Shalal Qaissi was challenged by online magazine, which said an Army investigation had concluded the prisoner was a different man.

"The Times did not adequately research Mr. Qaissi's insistence that he was the man in the photograph," The Times said in an editor's note accompanying a front page story on the misidentification.

Bad news all around for this rag of a paper. And good news for the rest of us.

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