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Monday, March 20, 2006

NBC Peddles False Story About Alleged Iraqi Spy

In their rush to the bottom to see who can make up the most anti-Bush stories, NBC is peddling this false and ridiculous pile of steaming cow dung: that the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Naji Sabri, was secretly giving the CIA details of Iraq's "non-existent" WMD program before the war

Yeah, right.

Iraqi diplomat gave U.S. prewar WMD details

In the period before the Iraq war, the CIA and the Bush administration erroneously believed that Saddam Hussein was hiding major programs for weapons of mass destruction. Now NBC News has learned that for a short time the CIA had contact with a secret source at the highest levels within Saddam Hussein’s government, who gave them information far more accurate than what they believed. It is a spy story that has never been told before, and raises new questions about prewar intelligence.

What makes the story significant is the high rank of the source. His name, officials tell NBC News, was Naji Sabri, Iraq’s foreign minister under Saddam. Although Sabri was in Saddam's inner circle, his cosmopolitan ways also helped him fit into diplomatic circles.

Notice that the story is also headlined: "Saddam’s foreign minister told CIA the truth, so why didn’t agency listen?"

Let's imagine that it is January 2003 again. The CIA is convinced through various intelligence that Iraq is full of WMD. Then, Naji Sabri, the Iraqi Foreign Minister no less, secretly sends word that all of the intel is rubbish. Who to believe - your intel or the man who is working for Saddam Hussein?

Of course, if he did say something that proved to be true, that is great Monday morning quarterbacking. But to take what he said before the war as truth is to allow any enemy to allegedly leak what the enemy wants us to hear and have to have our side believe it.

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