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Friday, March 31, 2006

Massachusetts Bans Gay Marriage for Out of State Homos

The Massachusetts state Supreme Court, which found the right of gays to marry somewhere in the state Constitution, now says that that same right does not exist for "out of towner" homos.

Court: Gays Can't Come to Mass. to Marry

Boston - In a disappointment for the gay rights movement, the state's highest court ruled Thursday that same-sex couples from states where gay marriage is prohibited cannot tie the knot in Massachusetts.

Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican who is considering a run for president in 2008, welcomed the decision, saying he did not want Massachusetts to become "the Las Vegas of same-sex marriage."

The Supreme Judicial Court upheld a 1913 state law that forbids nonresidents to marry in Massachusetts if their marriage would not be recognized in their home state.

If the court had struck down the law, Massachusetts would have been thrown open to gay couples from across the country to get married. Then they could have returned to their home states to fight for legal recognition for those marriages.

Now, here's the main question: if such a right exists in the state Constitution for in-state gays, why not out-of-state gays?

Here's a wonderful idea: Massachusetts should just allow gays to move to their state and populate it, while the normal people (excluding liberals) can leave for other states. After all, Massachusetts already have two fruitcakes representing them in the US Senate; why not have them in Washington fighting for a state full of fruits?

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