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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Latest Liberal Nuttery: "Blacks Will Lose the Right to Vote in 2007"

Every day, liberals come up with the most baseless, disgusting, delusional and sickening lies ever heard. The lastest is that Congress, controlled by Republicans, will not allow blacks to vote after 2007.

This is the lowest they have hit in some time, but it is par for their course.

African-Americans may no longer be able to vote after 2007

Below you will find a speech that Bill Cosby's wife gave at a function. Everyone please read this and pass it on to as many African Americans you come in contact with.

Camille Cosby just made a reference about the Voting Rights Act in her most open letter on racism. This is extremely important. We are quickly approaching the 21st Century and we were wondering, and when I saw "we", I mean others of us out there who wonder if everyone else out there knows what the significance of the year 2007 is to Black America?

Did you know that our right to VOTE will expire in the year 2007? Seriously! The Voting Rights Act signed in 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson was just an ACT. It was not made a law. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan amended the Voters Rights Act for another 25 years. Which means that in the year 2007 we could lose the Right to vote!

Where do these nuts get this shit? Perhaps from the same place that came up with "Bush stole Florida in 2000," "Bush stole Ohio in 2004," and "Al Gore is the real President."

Oh, and this one: "Jesse Jackson is not a racist, anti-Semitic pimp."

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