Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The end of the Downtrodden Party is coming fast - several of their "members" (if one can be a member of a dying race) have lost what few brains they ever had.
Who is first? Well, Al Gore is back - and he is saying that the country is "straying from its principles" under George W. Bush.
Those principles apparently include giving in to terrorists.
Gore: Country straying from principles
WEST PALM BEACH — The people of "these United States are going to stand up and take our country back," former Vice President Al Gore said Sunday at a Florida Democratic Party fund-raiser at the Kravis Center's Cohen Pavilion.
"Let's start right here in Palm Beach County," said Gore, speaking to a crowd of about 450 in what became the epicenter of the hotly contested 2000 presidential election.
Citing a Bible verse, "Where there is no vision, the people perish," Gore cited issues in which he believes the Bush administration has left the country far removed from the Founding Fathers' ideals.
"How many times have we listened to the current administration and in (state and national Republican offices), and after a few years, we wake up and say that what they have been telling us is completely wrong," Gore said. "I'm not calling it a lie," but a "false impression."
Yep - this from a man who lied about illegal fundraising and covered for his boss, "Rapist Willy" Clinton, who obstructed justice and committed perjury. Apparently, those are not "lies." What they are, Gore is not saying.
And check out what Lois Frankel, the mayor of Palm Beach County, says:
Before he was introduced, Mayor Lois Frankel said, "I'm not one to hold a grudge . . . but this was the scene of a crime (in 2000). I haven't forgotten it, and you haven't forgotten it."
Yeah - the crime was that Al Gore was not institutionalized. Permanently.
Now, Senator Russ Feingold (D-Fruitpie) says that he wants to "censure" President Bush for the NSA surveillance of terrorist suspects.
Little Russell is running for President. He has less of a chance of winning then, say, bin Laden winning an Olympic medal. (Come to think of it, the Olympics have become so bad that he could concievably come out of his cave/hole and do just that, but that is for another day.)
Feingold says Bush broke the law, but all this dolt wants is censure. Censure? For "breaking the law"? How about impeachment? Oooohhh...don't mention that word to Downies, because it is their little secret...
Sen. Feingold Calls for Censuring Bush
A liberal Democrat and potential White House contender is proposing censuring President Bush for authorizing domestic eavesdropping, saying the White House misled Americans about its legality.
"The president has broken the law and, in some way, he must be held accountable," Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., told The Associated Press in an interview.
A censure resolution, which simply would scold the president, has been used just once in U.S. history - against Andrew Jackson in 1834.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., called the proposal "a crazy political move" that would weaken the U.S. during wartime.
And here is what other (read:dumb) Downies thought of Feingold's great idea:
Forget Censure, Dems Say the Debt Is the Threat
While Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis., took to the Senate floor to blast President Bush's domestic spying program, other Senate Democrats concentrated on an issue they believe may hold more sway with the average voter — the national debt.
"The president broke the law, ignored the Constitution and disregarded the rights and freedoms on which our country was founded," Feingold thundered on the Senate floor as he introduced his resolution. If Feingold gets enough of his colleagues' support to censure the president, it would be the first time for such a move since Senate Republicans censured Democrat Andrew Jackson in 1834.
But Feingold's Democratic colleagues gave him tepid support at best. Instead, they spent the day attacking the White House's budget for cutting programs that help fund police and firefighters, unveiling charts and graphs that purport to show how this White House has amassed more debt in five years than the previous 42 presidents combined.
A winning issue for Downies, right?
Apparently, not - but Feingold is mad at his party of losers, anyway:
Feingold Blames Stalled Censure Motion on 'Cowering' Democrats
Sen. Russell Feingold on Tuesday blamed fellow Democrats for inaction on his stalled resolution to censure President Bush for his authorizing the National Security Agency's electronic terrorist surveillance program.
"I'm amazed at Democrats ... cowering with this president's numbers so low," said Feingold, D-Wis. "The administration ... just has to raise the specter of the War on Terror, and Democrats run and hide."
Bush had nothing to do with it. Downies are just cowards - period.