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Friday, March 10, 2006

Breaking News: New Yorkers Will Not Vote for Hillary Clinton if She Runs for President

In a groundbreaking piece of news, a new poll shows that while a majority of New Yorkers believe that Hillary Clinton will run for President, a majority also will NOT vote for her.

Her own state? How can this be? Those uppity New Yorkers, not wanting to foist Madam Bitch on the rest of us!

Poll: NYers think Hil will run for prez; won't back her

ALBANY, N.Y. — Six in 10 New York voters believe Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is planning to run for president in 2008, but only about a third of her home-state voters say they would back her if she did so, a statewide poll reported Thursday.

Almost half of New York voters, including three of every 10 Democrats, said they would not vote for her for president, according to the poll from Siena College's Research Institute.

The Siena findings mirror those reported by Marist College's Institute for Public Opinion in a January poll that found 59 percent of New York voters said they expect Clinton to run for president, but 62 percent said it was unlikely she could win.

So, Clinton can win her Senate seat, but, as we have predicted here, if she runs for President and somehow gets her silly party's nomination, whoever is the Republican nominee is going to be the next President.

We here at Joobo predict that outcome now, in March 2006, 2 years and 8 months before the next presidential election is held. We will link back once that prediction becomes true.

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