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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Time Magazine Airs Its "Where's Waldo Abramoff" Photo and Proves Zilch

The President of the United States meets thousands of people at a time, shaking hands with them. If he were to remember them all, he would spend all his time doing just that. And, if you meet the President, and shake his hand, and have a picture taken, this does not mean that he is your friend.

According to Time Magazine, it does. So, if President Bush meets Jack Abramoff, and takes a picture with someone, and Abramoff happens to be in the picture (in the back, yet), this means Bush is implicated in the Abramoff scandal.

Got that? That's called "liberal fantasy." And, man, does it suck.

Photograph Shows Lobbyist at Bush Meeting With Legislators

WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 — After weeks in which the White House has declined to release pictures of President Bush with Jack Abramoff, the disgraced lobbyist, the first photograph to be published of the two men shows a small, partly obscured image of Mr. Abramoff looking on from the background as Mr. Bush greets a Texas Indian chief in May 2001.

By itself, the picture hardly seems worthy of the White House's efforts to keep it out of the public eye. Mr. Abramoff, a leading Republican fund-raiser who pleaded guilty last month to conspiring to corrupt public officials, is little more than a blurry, bearded figure in the background at a gathering of about two dozen people.

We are posting the picture here in case the link dies out:

When Bill Clinton met regularly with contributors for "coffees" and shook them down for campaign contributions, the Downies and the MSM were largely silent. But President Bush meeting someone, who is in the back of the room, is a crime.

Liberal hypocrisy - it gets more disgusting by the day.

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