Thursday, February 16, 2006
If you need to see what Hollywood has become, check out this interview with leftwing fanatic and supreme nutjob (one of many) Robert Redford.
Bobby is seeing Nazis, and he thinks there is a "Watergate every day." Perhaps he is letting those old scripts cloud his pea brain.
Newsmakers: Robert Redford, Britney Spears
How did you start getting obsessed with Watergate?
After the break-in, I heard some reporters suggest there was more to it, that it probably went toward Nixon. But nobody wanted to f--- with him. He gave me an award once—I was 13, he was a senator. I remember being struck by what a bad vibe I got from the guy.
What's the political landscape look like to you today?
Now you pick up the paper and there's a Watergate every day. I don't think anyone's connecting the dots and saying to the public, "Wake up, folks, because you could end up in a totalitarian nightmare, wondering what happened to your country."
Oooh! Bobby got a "bad vibe" from meeting Richard Nixon. And there is a "Watergate every day" in America - and, if we don't watch ourselves, we could end up in a "totalitarian nightmare."
My God, where do these leftist psychos come from? What shithole cave do they crawl out of, to fuck up the world for the rest of us?