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Thursday, February 09, 2006

NYT: Downies seeing Chances for Pickups in 2006 Slipping Away

The NYT, that bastion of liberalism which churns out more stories based on DNC press releases than their own news stories, is reporting that Downies are secretly saying that their chances of winning seats in Congress in the 2006 midterms are rapidly slipping away.

How could this happen? Because a party which wishes to win seats has to stand for something, not run on "the other guy sucks, so elect us." That didn't work for Downies since 1994, and it won't work this year.

Some Democrats Are Sensing Missed Opportunities

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 — Democrats are heading into this year's elections in a position weaker than they had hoped for, party leaders say, stirring concern that they are letting pass an opportunity to exploit what they see as widespread Republican vulnerabilities.

In interviews, senior Democrats said they were optimistic about significant gains in Congressional elections this fall, calling this the best political environment they have faced since President Bush took office.

But Democrats described a growing sense that they had failed to take full advantage of the troubles that have plagued Mr. Bush and his party since the middle of last year, driving down the president's approval ratings, opening divisions among Republicans in Congress over policy and potentially putting control of the House and Senate into play in November.

Asked to describe the health of the Democratic Party, Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said: "A lot worse than it should be. This has not been a very good two months."

Hmmm...what happened two months ago? The same NY Times broke the "terrorism surveillance" story - and Downies pounced quickly with "George W. Bush committed crimes bugging al Qaeda suspects" and "let's impeach him if we win control of the Congress."

As we have said before, despite any hesitation the American people have on the subject of NSA surveillance, they realize that President Bush is working to save them from Islamic terrorists. When they see the Downies try their damndest to knock him down, they also realize that the party out of power is out of power for a good reason: they cannot protect this country.

So, since the story broke, the perception that Downies are weak on national security is gradually destroying their chances of winning anything in November. Of course things could change, and 9 months from now we could be saying what a wonderful job the GOP did of fucking their majority up. But from right here, right now, the Downies are making the same old mistakes of being losers.

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