Tuesday, February 28, 2006
The release of the so-called "Saddam Tapes" last week drew a gigantic YAWN from the MSM, because, for them, any proof that Saddam Hussein did have WMD is a realization that George Bush was right, and the morons who run the MSM cannot have that kind of truth shoved on them. Even ABC News, which showed some excerpts of the tapes on "Nightline," quickly stopped mentioning them and now not even a peep is heard from their side of the media.
Of course, there are other forms of media now - and they continue to watch this growing story and the truth it tells: that Saddam not only had WMD, but that he was carefully waiting for the UN sanctions regime to end so that he could restart the majority of his WMD programs, and that he was planning a terror attack on the US.
Here is a fantastic and eye-opening article in Investor's Business Daily on the true threat that Saddam Hussein was until George W. Bush moved to remove him.
Saddam Had WMD
Now that Leno and Letterman have had their way with Vice President Cheney's hunting accident and the port controversy, maybe we can get back to something really important — like Saddam's WMD program.
Yes, the linchpin of opposition to the Iraq War — never really strong to begin with — has taken some real hits in recent weeks. And "Bush lied" — the anti-war mantra about the president, Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction — looks the most battered.
Inconveniently for critics of the war, Saddam made tapes in his version of the Oval Office. These tapes landed in the hands of American intelligence and were recently aired publicly.
The first 12 hours of the tapes — there are hundreds more waiting to be translated — are damning, to say the least. They show conclusively that Bush didn't lie when he cited Saddam's WMD plans as one of the big reasons for taking the dictator out.
Nobody disputes the tapes' authenticity. On them, Saddam talks openly of programs involving biological, chemical and, yes, nuclear weapons.
War foes have long asserted that Saddam halted his WMD programs in the wake of his defeat in the first Gulf War in 1991. Saddam's abandonment of WMD programs was confirmed by subsequent U.N. inspections.
Again, not true. In a tape dating to April 1995, Saddam and several aides discuss the fact that U.N. inspectors had found traces of Iraq's biological weapons program. On the tape, Hussein Kamel, Saddam's son-in-law, is heard gloating about fooling the inspectors.
"We did not reveal all that we have," he says. "Not the type of weapons, not the volume of the materials we imported, not the volume of the production we told them about, not the volume of use. None of this was correct."
There's more. Indeed, as late as 2000, Saddam can be heard in his office talking with Iraqi scientists about his ongoing plans to build a nuclear device. At one point, he discusses Iraq's plasma uranium program — something that was missed entirely by U.N. weapons inspectors combing Iraq for WMD.
This is particularly troubling, since it indicates an active, ongoing attempt by Saddam to build an Iraqi nuclear bomb.
As we always like to say: Read the whole thing, as long as the link and story remain there.
Liberals continue to cling to their canard of "Saddam was no threat - these tapes prove nothing."
Yep. Lefties, continue to leave head lodged up your collective anus. Its the way you like to argue your pathetic arguments.