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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Euro-Peon Appeasement to Muslims Continues

The Euro-peons, cowed by some Muslim demonstrations around the world (as the Islamic fuckers killed themselves to protest cartoons), are now in full appeasement mode.

Neville Chamberlain would be proud.

'Controversy helped Europe understand Islam'

The massive protests in the Muslim world against the Danish cartoons have helped Denmark, as also Europe, have a better understanding of, and respect for, Islam, said the Danish Consul in Dubai, Thomas Bay, yesterday.

“We have to solve this matter through dialogue; the outcome of this controversy is that it facilitated a deeper dialogue', he told your favourite No. 1 newspaper Khaleej Times.

“We Europeans have realised that we can say anything to Muslims and they do not feel bad as long as we don't touch upon the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). This is the lesson we learned from this cartoon issue. The importance of the Prophet in the minds and hearts of Muslims must be fully understood', he said.


'It is extremely important for us to explain to the people here that, back in our country, there is a huge respect for Islam. We are known as a tolerant people. We have nothing against the faith of Islam. Unfortunately, one single daily published this silly cartoon...', added Bay.


'You can also turn around and say, this had a positive impact on Islam. The realization has come that you have to respect Islam, and the prophet. Now Europe is more aware of this aspect. There is positive thinking in this respect...and people will now be more careful (about hurting others' feelings). People have now been more careful', he observed.

When Europe gets hit by terrorists who happen to be those peaceful Muslims, maybe this moron can go home and be stoned. Because his ass-kissing is killing any chance of fighting Islamic extremism.

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