Monday, February 27, 2006
Some in the leftist and slavish MSM are starting to realize the horror of a Hillary Clinton run for the presidency: she could win the Downie nomination, but she has no chance of winning the White House.
The Tampa Bay Tribune, a leftist rag, has some advice for the NY bitch-on-wheels: Don't run.
Dear Hillary: Don't Run
Dear Hillary:
We'd like to welcome you to Tampa for your fundraiser today, and thank you for your long service to our country and your party.
We expect that after your re-election this fall as junior senator from New York, you will dedicate yourself to seeking a higher office. But you're a pragmatist, Hillary, so we urge you to be satisfied with the Senate.
If you run for president, chances are good that you'll secure your party's nomination. But realistically, how do you think you can win the White House? You are the most polarizing figure in the Democratic Party, and your negatives among likely voters are prohibitively high. Many people simply don't trust you. You may share your husband's name, but what people liked about him is not transferable to you.
You are not the person to help define a party that needs to convince voters it can govern from the vital center.
Even yellow dog Florida Democrats express profound reservations about your presidential ambitions. They worry that you cannot attract moderate and independent voters and that your presence will hurt the election chances of other Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.
They fear, Hillary, that you would doom Democrats to impotence for decades. Republicans might relish that prospect, but on reflection, they would acknowledge the importance of a strong two-party political system. Should the Democratic Party be crippled, the Republican Party is likely to become complacent, uninspired and unaccountable.
There is one problem with this paper's analysis of a Hillary Clinton campaign: that she would "doom Democrats to impotence for decades."
Sorry, folks, but the numbskulls currently running that party have already done that. Hillary Clinton would only make it worse.
But, as a firm believer in allowing parties which are run by crap for crap to run themselves into obscurity, we at Joobo are firmly pushing for Hillary Clinton to run. Because it guarantees GOP control over the White House until at least 2013.